Being in better control of my mind makes for better decisions and reduced anxiety. Furthermore, I am getting stronger better with more stamina and it’s the best feeling ever, and I owe it all to training with Shidoshi Sessum.
John Edgecombe
Former NYPD Detective and Navy Veteran.
Learn the latest combative strategies and health-building techniques in weekly virtual classes either by zoom or learning software. Includes student personal assessment twice monthly with software progress tracking.
Gain a greater sense of peace and stability with meditations and situational awareness with fitness improvement. Some times one-to-one sessions set you on the right track
Some have found our faster development with one-on-one coaching. Together, we’ll create a personal improvement plan for your unique journey.
Some people think that martial arts training is a bridge too far!
However, accountability, fitness routines that bring strength, stamina and flexibility in view, that is more where they are. Great News! We’ve got a plan for that! It’s called “Jaribu Fit”! Anyone can do it! Get a clear picture of your improved life by creating a a plan that focuses on your development and insight generated via martial arts training adding a couple of pieces for self-defense Modified from the training of The Jaribu System martial arts!
His involvement From humble roots to a 40-year consulting career in Computer Technology for Business in NYC, while continuing his journey in the martial art stared at 13 years of age. He infused Jaribu System Martial arts into his life style that was a hybrid of 5 martial art forms. The tenacity developed assisted him in becoming a Eagle Scout and getting admitted to the school of his choice. Adelphi University. Being an “Eagle Scout”, he developed a love for helping people.. Various organizations that he has helped develop and partner in leadership capacities brought improvement to the community of Douglasville, Ga to aid in the improvement of the community of which he and his family is apart. Human Capital can be our best investment!
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Get ready to improve control & improve your quality of life.
- Also keep in touch with our progress
- New Womens Self Defense classes you can take on-line.
- Full Jaribu classes. On-line or in physical groups
- Seminars coming to your city with the Head teacher Shidoshi Joseph Sessum.
- Plus a new beginners training guide. 4-step guide.